Today AD joins architect Robert Cangelosi in New Orleans for a walking tour of the infamous French Quarter. Often regarded as the most haunted city in America, New Orleans has a deep history of ghosts, torture and…vampire nuns?! Join Robert for an in-depth look at the French Quarter and its history to find out how it became one of the spookiest spots in the world.

Vampire Cafe on a Sunny Day | Lia Rainsford

Director: Skylar “Edgar Allan Poe” Economy

Director of Photography: Alejandro “In the Shadows” Moreno
Editor: Alex “Ghoulish” Mechanik

Host: Robby “Omniscient” Cangelosi

Senior Producer: Vara “It’s Alive, It’s Aliiive!” Reese

Line Producer: Joseph “For the last time, I’m not related to Steve!” Buscemi

Associate Producer: Brandon “Here’s Johnny!” Fuhr

Production Manager: Melissa “Goosebumps” Heber

Production Coordinator: Fernando “Psycho” Davila

Casting Producer: Nick “Fava Beans” Sawyer

Audio Engineer: Lee “Huey Lewis and the News” Garcia

Production Assistant: Ashley “Pennywise” Bush

Post Production Supervisor: Andrew “6 feet under” Montague

Post Production Coordinator: Holly “The last Irish Vampire” Frew

Supervising Editor: Christina “Nooo! Don’t go down there” Mankellow

Additional Editor: William “All work and no play…” Long

Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds, “The Demon Barber of NYC”

Colorist: Oliver “Can I have some more, please” Eid

Special Thanks: Chris “Mother told me to do it” Conti

Keleigh “Wednesday Adams” Nealon

Monica “The Friendly Ghost” Mulhall

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