Space Encounters, OZ, Workshop Architects, and BETA joined forces to create Oostenburg, a high-density housing complex in the center of Amsterdam. This innovative concept recreates the old industrial setting that previously characterized this area of the city. Embracing the historical Werkspoorhal, the development consists of three volumes, two of which offer a diverse array of dwellings named De Gieter and De Slijper. The buildings are connected by a small, raised volume covered in a translucent metal net structure, giving the complex a light aspect and allowing for visual linkages to the surroundings. White tiles, blue fences, and textured concrete parts make up the material palette, beautifully complementing the vivid surroundings.Modernity and heritage are balanced in Oostenburg’s design. While De Gieter’s side face opens up to reveal private outdoor spaces, its front facade displays a solid grid structure with bay windows facing the street, referencing the renowned canal homes of Amsterdam. The subtle roofline design pays homage to the area’s industrial heritage. De Slijper, in contrast, has a robust horizontal facade accented with white tiles and blue seams, exuding vibrancy. Residents are connected to green spaces and an active plinth through the project’s green patio, which also links them to the complex’s lobby, commercial spaces, and atelier homes. The collective roof garden serves as an added bonus, offering residents extra outdoor spaces.Oostenburg Amsterdam stands as a testament to the ingenuity of contemporary urban planning, blending history with innovative design to create a dynamic and inviting high-density living experience.

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