Summer in the Greek islands means being outdoors all the time. The aim of this house’s design is to blend indoor and outdoor spaces, maximizing the benefits of both while minimizing the impact on the surrounding landscape.

To avoid block volumes that divide and dominate the spaces, horizontal planes are inserted into the slope, providing levels for sunbathing, sleeping, and dining, as well as a vast open shaded area. These cool and shade the spaces below while allowing the flow of sunlight and maintaining the stunning 270-degree view over the coastline. The spaces between the planes are defined by various movable panels and glass panels. Spaces designated for cooking, dining, and relaxation are offset from each other to provide comfort without sacrificing openness.

The pool is strategically positioned to enjoy the view but also create a refreshing breeze over the terrace and into the house, as the north wind flows uphill and over its surface. Photovoltaic panels power the mechanical energy for the pool, and greywater is recycled and used for irrigation, toilet flushing, and fire reserves. The landscape is respected and continues along the green roof plane, creeping along the site boundaries and penetrating vertically through the roof, much like the existing trees in the space.

The powerful identity of the concrete planes creates a strong narrative as you approach the house from the coastal road below. From a distance, the planes are distinctly separated, but as you get closer to the house from the side, the perspectives change, closing the distance between them. Upon arrival and upon entering the space, they open up again, revealing the stunning view and allowing the flow of fresh air.


Name: Plane House / Villa Della
Location: Skiathos Island, Greece
Design Team: k-studio
Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager: Achilles Mourtzouxos Raxevsky
Concrete Structural Engineer: Odysseus Verroios
Steel Structural engineer: George Ioannidis
Photographer: Konstantinos Karampatakis, Yiorgos Kordakis
Status: Completed 2010

0:00 – Plane House
7:31 – Drawings

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