A breathtaking, heart-pounding straight-up stunning residence tonight which sits in the middle of the venn diagram of two very distinct MA favorites just ripe for a final visit; Marvellous Melbourne Migrant Modern (MMMM) with both commissioning client and architect of Polish extraction, and Studley Heritage a mere stone’s throw from the original and revered Yarraside burg of many a notable example in MCM domesticity. Masterfully constructed in 1965 and designed by architect Anthony Hayden (b. Hershman in Wasaw) from firm Bridge, Hayden & Associates, this home is proudly Continental and Internationalist in its elegance and the ultimate triumph of those who, in the Northern Hemisphere, may have perished but instead gifted us new Australian fruits, born of open arms. The impeccably unmolested nay, all original, interiors preserved by adoring owners are unbelievable on their own and demand a delicate hand (that chartreuse carpet x Persian rug combo!!!). And the property overall benefits from the land’s prior possession by a notable horticultural dynasty hence that soaring cedar in a yard of sweeping north facing vistas ending in a pool worthy of Matthew Mitcham (over 3m deep- woo!). The entire package earning if not iron-clad heritage listing, at least a citation from the City of Boroondara.
We’ve long bid farewell to the city ourselves, but it is undeniable Mid-Century residences like this that twinge our hearts with the offer a promise of a city life unsurpassed. Get your lotto and cross your fingers, this is one of the greats in Melbourne town.

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