hta design college rpad tower in croydon

The latest edition of our weekly Dezeen Agenda newsletter features the completion of Europe’s tallest modular residential tower. Subscribe to Dezeen Agenda now.

HTA Design has completed College Road, a 163-meter-tall apartment building in Croydon, UK, which it claims is “Europe’s tallest residential building to be completed using volumetric construction methods”.

The structure is comprised of two adjoining 50 and 35-storey towers, wrapped in a pleated ceramic facade.

We Design Beirut logo
We Design Beirut postponed due to Israel-Gaza conflict

This week’s newsletter also included the rescheduling of We Design Beirut due to the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, the death of Italian architect and designer Andrea Branzi and an opinion piece on the built environment by Talia Radford.

Dezeen Agenda

Dezeen Agenda is a curated newsletter sent every Tuesday containing the most important news highlights from Dezeen. Read the latest edition of Dezeen Agenda or subscribe here.

You can also subscribe to our other newsletters; Dezeen Debate is sent every Thursday and features the hottest reader comments and most-debated stories, Dezeen Daily is our daily bulletin that contains every story published in the preceding 24 hours and Dezeen In Depth is sent on the last Friday of every month and delves deeper into the major stories shaping architecture and design. 

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